Jewelry and accessory - aren't they the same thing? Not really. Jewelry, collectively speaking, consists of personal ornaments - rings, necklaces, earrings, etc; An accessory is a part of something else - something additional, like an attachment. A single piece of jewelry can stand on its own, and can make or break a look. Now, you probably have a few questions. Does my jewelry have to keep up with the current trend? Do they have to be expensive? Designer-made? Yes and no, no, and not always. Just like any fashion trend, there's a season for each kind of jewelry. It pays to have the trendy pieces, but it's always good to have a few of the timeless ones - pearls and colored gems, which are actually making a comeback this year. Below are a few pieces recommended by your most trusted brands and designers for the autumn/fall season: 1. Hoop Earrings Much like pearl earrings, hoop earrings never really left the fashion industry; they have just been reva...